Friday 1 February 2019

SAMPLE SCENE 2 Packing scene - 2nd attempt

This is the 2nd attempt at filming the scene where the tennis player's partner (Cathy) is leaving him


  • Much more set dressing:
    • tennis equipment is placed throughout the room
    • photos of the couple and the tennis team have been added for verisimilitude
    • female beauty products and jewellery were placed on the surface in front of the mirror
    • stereotypically female books were placed on one side of the bed, and stereotypically male ones on the other
    • the wardrobe was changed so that there is a clear divide between men's and women's clothes
    • a larger suitcase that is more realistic for a permanent move
  • Character creation had more detail:
    • we prepared a business suit (black trousers, smart shoes with modest heel, shirt and a blazer)
    • and a long, smart looking coat for when they leave the house
    • a watch, something teenagers do not usually wear
    • modest make-up (lip gloss and mascara)
  • More directing for the acting:
    • there was more demonstration of the actions (e.g. wiping the tear away)
    • there were issues in following direction with the actress previously playing the tennis player's partner (saying she felt uncomfortable in front of the camera) so a change in cast was a good idea
  • new shots:
    • close-ups of the set dressing
    • shot of the suitcase being slammed onto the bed so that we can attempt an almost match cut from the joggers foot landing on the ground


  • Genre/target audience:
    • the people we asked all though it was aimed at teenagers, though one though the target age would up to 20 - this could be because the lead of this scene is played by a teenager, though we have gone to a lot of effort to dress the character so that they seem older
  • Improvements
    • the sound editing has clear issues - make the ambient sound quieter and the music louder
    • the lighting got mixed reactions - one said it seemed good, the other not realistic
      • we did use the lighting to create some shadow on the face of the lead as she wipes a tear to show the gloominess, but the rest is the lighting we had available, which is the natural lighting of the room
  • Positive feedback
    • everyone said that the music fit
    • there was no confusion as to what the narrative was - it was clear that she was leaving
    • no one said the set dressing seemed posed or unreal - it fits in
    • the genre guess was never far for accurate, but we did not expect teenagers to be able to guess if it was a social realist film


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