Monday 7 January 2019

SAMPLE SCENE3 Jogging/Car Crash



For this sample scene I included:
  • diegetic sound
  • I would like to recreate a similar background music I have used in this sample scene (maybe using garage band + a tutorial video)
  • natural lighting
  • shaky/handheld shots which you find in social realist movies like Tyrannosaur
  • tracking shot to signify Tanay is the central protagonist
  • Extreme Long Shot
  • Close Up
  • Long Shot
  • Tilting/Panning shot
  • it was filmed handheld form a car
  • the panting is Foley sound found on the website freesound (copyright free) because the noise from the car and wind made the audio form the clips unusable


  • include titles
  • there is shading at the top of the frame in the first shot form where the top of the car window is
  • include more takes of Tanay running (shot variety, static shots etc.)
    • shots of his feet, POV shots, in front/behind etc.
  • the image is blurry/pixelated
  • the drumbeat sounds like muffled ambient sound, not a drum
  • the patch on the arm of the jacket (the jacket in general) doesn't fit - make the character more clear through costume/set dressing
    • can create a character that seems careless
    • person in business clothes, holding briefcase, papers full, fumbling for key, coffee and on phone - busy, stressed and distracted, likely to be in an accident 
    • body language, costume, do not necessarily have to see a face
    • would add to verisimilitude 
  • be more careful with where/when sad music plays
  • there's no real buildup to the climactic car crash
    • get frontal OTS shot of the car coming up 
    • Tanay could be listening to music - explanation as to why he doesn't heat the car (and would add more verisimilitude)
  • the sound - theres the sound of glass shattering but then theres no damage to the car
    • we didn't inlaced a shot of Tanay lying on the ground and smoke coming out of thecae because it seemed unrealistic and looked silly
    • remove glass shattering sound
  • The bleak deep field of focus for the tilting down shot works to show the trees, but shallow field of focus would work better afterwards (don't want be cutting between shots with different fields of focus too much)



  1. if there will be titles here, include them
    explain the context of re-recording audio (Foley sound). Detail on blog any copyright-free sound sources used
    the image is blurry, pixelated; there's a dark band at the top
    we discussed file organisation: building identical libraries, having a separate SD backup folder
    015 drum sound actually sounds like bad ambient sound; really muffled again later
    as discussed, even this extra (driver) can be much better signified, better verisimilitude - the harassed exec type, coffee cup as Harriet suggested, etc
    be careful with where/when sad music comes in - shouldn't precede anything actually sad?
    we discussed cross-cutting the 2 elements to better build it up, and more shots to graduate the car's approach, + verisim. with earphones...
    sound mix for crash, the glass FX?
    clothing for tanay in bed; bruising/cut make-up; sight of bloodied top?

  2. we also discussed use of focus, + how to experiment with this before having cast out


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