Wednesday 3 October 2018




3 assessment objectives AO2/AO3/AO4
All 3 are marked across blog, product and evaluation ('creative critical reflection')

AO2 20%
Knowledge and understanding of how meanings are created in media products
  • Media language; representation; construction of preferred reading; awareness of multiple audiences
  • Institutional context: reflecting Indie or subsidiary/studio
  • AO2: Must be applied

AO4 20%
Undertake and apply appropriate research

  • Must include relevant, specific examples
  • The product must reflect this research
  • Evaluation must reflect this research 
  • Research to include:
    • Other film openings
    • Film locations
    • Audience
    • Institution (e.g. Titles)

AO3 60%
Evidence of planning
Detail of decisions/revisions: the journey
Product as outcome of this process; clearly a film opening 
Meaning clear to the audience [BUT; Narrative Enigma is fine]
(Sense of branding - Social Media)
Use of element relating to film production:
  • Use of convention + genre
  • Storyboards +/or animatics
  • Scripts [use formal layout]
  • Shot lists
  • Location recces [visiting, looking round, test footage]
  • Mise-en-scene (props, costume etc; set dressing)
  • organisation + direction of actors [film behind-scenes evidence]
  • Use of sound 
  • Use of editing
  • Use of titling
Digital creative tools used in creative critical reflection

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