Sunday 14 April 2019

SAMPLE SCENE training 2

SAMPLE SCENE training 2

This is our second attempt at filming the tennis training scene (link to first sample scene here)

  • Coach
    • we added the character of the coach to this one, for verisimilitude, 
    • but also to appeal to a secondary older target audience
  • Script
    • we added dialogue so there is more semblance of a plot
    • this also adds to verisimilitude
  • More shots
    • we got way more shots this time for variety, and because it comes close to being an action scene we want fast-paced editing, with lots of short takes
    • we also got shots of Tanay warming up
  • Shots of the building
    • we got shots of the outside of the building, with the coach smoking before he goes in to train with Tanay
  • Directing
    • this time we got much more involved as directors, demonstrating to Tanay what we wanted him to do 


  • Sound
    • there are issues with the sound, and it is a little difficult to hear the dialogue
    • there is the loud wind sound outside the building
    • but, the ambient sound of the tennis balls in the other courts came out nicely
  • Costume
    • the costumes are realistic looking, and work very well
  • Acting
    • Tanay really looks like he's playing tennis, achieves verisimilitude
    • The acting during the dialogue is good, Tanay seems really frustrated
  • Positive feedback
    • one audience member picked up on the heavier themes from just this 45 second clip, thinking it could be about the difficulties and pressure of professional sport
    • people like the shot variety and angles


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